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Zach Brown Jersey , insurance and coverage analysis and expert insurance witness then Percipient Resources must be your top option.Percipient Resources has their own external and internal resources that are creatively designed and developed to assist those respective counsels, insurers, agents and brokers and insureds in evaluating and analyzing fts and argunts that are associated in the coverage and strategic aspects of your respective case.Percipient Resources already worked with financial, legal and insurance experts and this is the mon reasons why they are considered as the leading institutions in the world of insurance consulting. Percipient Resources will also provide their valued clients with pieces of valuable advice that include fiduciary coverage, employnt liability and prtices, executive risk, professional liability, workers pensation, general liability
Avery Williamson Jersey , health insurance, annuiDaily Health UpdateWEDNESDAY, MARCH 5th, 2014Courtesy of: Dr. Frank Goz, Chiroprtic Physician4844 Sunrise Hwy, Sayville, NY 11782(631) 991-3492 - www.SayvilleChiroprtor."You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ~ Dr. SeussMental Attitude: Infections Affect Memories. Researchers have found that inflammation in the brain following an infection can affect how mories are ford. A new study finds that inflammation lowers glucose tabolism within an area of the brain called the dial temporal lobe. This area is the brain's mory center and a change in tabolism appears to affect spatial mory performance. Study leader Dr. Neil Harrison writes, "Our findings suggest that the brain's mory circuits are particularly sensitive to inflammation… If we can control levels of inflammation, we may be able to reduce the rate of decline in patients' cognition." Biological Psychiatry
Ryan Succop Jersey , January 2014Health Alert: Toddlers Suffer Many Burns and Scalds. Aording to research conducted in the United Kingdom, one-year-old children receive ten tis more burns and scalds than their older siblings. Most of these aidents happen at ho when a child rehes up and pulls down on a hot water faucet. Other burns result from touching hot devices such as hair straightness and clothing irons. Nearly 20% of burns are serious enough for the child to be admitted to a specialist burns unit. Archives of Diseases in Childhood, February 2014Diet: Mediterranean Diet Better than Low-Fat Diet for Heart Health. A literature review of over a half-century of studies ows that people who eat a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet have a lower risk of heart attk and cardiovascular-related death pared to those who follow a low-fat diet. Investigators analyzed studies from 1957 to present and believe their findings ow consuming a variety of cardioprotective foods in a diet is better at preventing heart disease by just eating less fat. The Mediterranean diet focuses on an increased intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fi, olive oil, nuts, and eating less at. Arican Journal of Medicine
Brian Schwenke Jersey , December 2013Exercise: Heading Soer Balls May Affect Cognitive Function. Dr. Tom Schweizer, director of the Neuroscience Research Program of St. Michael's Hospital, recently conducted a literature review of studies related to head injuries among soer players caused by "heading" the ball. Aording to existing studies, players who head the ball most often were found to have greater mory, planning, and perceptual deficits and were more likely to perform poorly on verbal and visual mory tests. Other studies noted that older and retired players were more likely to report significantly impaired conceptual thinking, retion ti, and concentration. Dr. Schweizer also found that nearly o-thirds of high school soer players suffered from concussion symptoms during their playing careers and that girls' soer ranked second in concussion injuries among all high school sports. Brain Injury, February 2014Chiroprtic: Helpful for Cancer Patients in Pain. Based on case-study data
Al Woods Jersey , an article publied in 2001 suggests that chiroprtic care may improve quality of life and help cancer patients better manage pain resulting from the disease itself or from side-effects to treatnt. Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics, January 2001WellnessPrevention: Scientists Suggest Mammograms Every Two Years. Researchers suggest doctors follow the United States (US) Preventive Services Task Force's guideline that won ages 50-74 only receive biannual mammograms unless they're considered high-risk for breast cancer. They note that screenings every o years have proven just as effective as annual exams, and this change in prtice could save the US health care system over 4 billion dollars a year. Annals of Internal Medicine, February 2014To Receive Daily Health Updates, go to www.DrFrankGozBlog. and sign up.We at Sayville Imdiate Chiroprtic Care realize you have a choice in who you choose to provide your healthcare services. If you, a friend or family mber requires care for low bk pain, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence own by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.The Sayville Chiroprtic office that makes it convenient for you to get the care you want in today's busy society! Our prtice has a strong working relationip with many local allied health care professionals and primary care MD's.No Appointnt Necessary, Walk-in Chiroprtic Care: New patients wele. No Long Term Care PlansSince Bk Pain
Coty Sensabaugh Jersey , Neck Pain and Headhes are one of the most mon plaints presenting to the chiroprtic physician, please ask for more information about this if you or a loved one is suffering. It's one of most significant ts of kindness you can give to those you care about.Serving the areas of Sayville, Oakdale, Bohemia, Bayport.YOU MAY BE A CANDIDATE FOR DRUG FREE RELIEF!FOR A FREE NO-OBL.