The Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) accreditation is granted exclusively to CPAs who have considerable personal financial planning experience and want to demonstrate their knowledge, skill and experience by earning the credential. A personal financial planner qualifies for the credential by gaining experience, passing a one day exam and supplying references from clients and colleagues. In each of the three years immediately preceding Dt5FW6a9x the year that he applies for accreditation, a candidate must have at least 250 hours of experience per year in personal financial planning activities. Typically, the PFS exam is offered twice a year, in June and in November. It is computer based and is offered at over 250 sites nationwide. The next exam is scheduled for Nov. 5, 1999, and CPAs may register from Sept. 1, 1999 through Oct. 8, 1999. Candidates who sign up during this period are guaranteed an appointment at their choice of test site. For candidates who sign up later, seating is based on availability. Appointments are not accepted within 13 calendar days of the test date. Each exam is scheduled for six hours, divided into two three hour sessions administered on a single day. The questions on PFS exams are presented in several different formats objective format questions (including multiple choice questions) and questions in a case study format. Part I of the exam comprises multiple choice questions. Part II has objective format questions and a case study. There is a mandatory one hour lunch break between Part I and Part II. The candidate's score on Part I makes up 50% of the grade, and the score on Part II makes up the other 50%, divided equally between the case study and the objective questions. Thus, the scoring breaks down as follows: Multiple choice questions: 50%; Other objective questions: 25%; and Case study question: 25%. A tutorial helps candidates get comfortable with answering questions on the computer before Part I begins. Candidates may not bring calculators into the exam, but the testing site's computer software has an on screen calculator and candidates can access that from the question screens. In answering the case study question (the second half of Part II), the candidate chooses whether to use a computer or paper to answer the question. The PFS exam costs $300, payable by Visa or Mastercard to the Sylvan National Testing Center Group. The key to passing the exam is broad working experience in financial planning. Because the exam's scope is broad, candidates may need to study those planning areas in which they have less experience. Candidates should determine for themselves the level of preparation necessary to successfully complete the exam. The AICPA's PFS Examination Candidates' Handbook provides an abundance of useful information about preparing for and taking the exam. It contains an Examination Content Specification Outline, setting out the scope of the exam and the weight given to each subject matter area. PFSs who have passed the exam report that they used the content specification outline both to familiarize themselves with the topics that the exam covers and to identify the areas of weakness that need further study. The handbook also contains illustrative exam questions and answers, and includes a thorough demonstration of the approach to take in answering the case study question. The handbook provides tips about the nuts and bolts of sitting for the exam, cheap nhl jerseys including suggestions about how to approach exam questions and budget exam time, what forms of identification are acceptable at the testing center and how to request special conditions under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Free copies of the handbook are available to candidates, by simply calling 1 888 777 7077. Study aids available. Candidates commonly use print materials and attend classes to prepare for the exam. Print materials useful to PFS candidates include: