During the next war the Horde utilized turtles with cottages strapped since submarines. They had been also the Horde counterpart to the submarines. If you look the Warcraft 2 units up you will see they bear a similarity.
Those are not Broken these are Lost Ones, Draenei that have devolved. I recall before TBC that is what we knew as Draenei were profoundly corrupted and what all Draenei looked like, until they made a decision to reveal that Draenei were an offshoot of this Eredar.
Come to think about it the wow classic gold Draenei were Blizzards bit of lore while mentioned the majority of their lore did not exist before that expansion. In fact Draenei weren't even regarded to ever be playable before the developers looked at the amazing concept artwork of Archimonde and thought"you know these guys look they would be a cool race to play" and made up all this fresh lore on the spot as opposed to their Horde counterpart Blood Elves who had established lore back even before Vanilla.
I know that was off-topic but retconning and viewing the Draenei Exiles made me consider the changes that may happen in the lore of a game with reveals.  |