If you're going to use a curling iron to curl your hair, make sure your hair is completely dry and give your curling iron 5 minutes to heat up. If you have some, apply a heat-protectant spray to keep your hair healthy during the curling process. Then, separate your hair into sections, and start by curling a small amount of hair at a time. Once you've wrapped your hair around the curling iron, keep it wrapped for about 10 seconds, then release. Continue for the rest of your hair, and voila! For help curling hair with a flatiron, rollers, or by scrunching and braiding your hair, read on! Heat up the tyme curling irons . Most curling irons will need about 1-5 minutes to heat up before you can use them. If you try to curl your hair with the iron before it reaches the correct temperature, the curls will not hold. Some curling irons will have different settings which you can play around with until you achieve the best result. Try to keep it at the lowest temperature possible though, to cause less damage to your hair. Look for curling irons that say "No Damage" on the box. A good guide is 320ºF (160ºC) for fine hair and 430ºF (220ºC) for thicker hair. tyme iron promo code on online shop, |